## we appreciate your interest and efforts in the security of tv2.dk. ## Please send your concerns and thoughts to: Contact: mailto:security@tv2.dk ## If information is confidential, we would appreciate if you could encrypt it using our openpgp key: Encryption: https://tv2.dk/.well-known/security_at_tv2_dk_openpgp_pub.txt ## Our policy for responsible disclosure can be found here: Policy: https://omtv2.tv2.dk/media/126365/tv_2_responsible_disclosure.pdf ## Bug Bounty / Reward statement ## ----------------------------- ## TV 2 does not have a bug bounty/reward program and will therefore not offer paid bug rewards. ## We do offer tokens of our appreciation to security researchers who take the time and effort to ## investigate and report security vulnerabilities to us. ## ## Best regards ## TV 2 Security team